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Hello, I am Akiko.

I am a UX and UI designer based in Vancouver, Canada.

I have expertise in user research, user story crafting, user flows, wireframing, mockups, branding design, and seamless design handoff.

I am passionate about solving complex problems and finding creative solutions with close communication with stakeholders.

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My Story

I worked at a medical company related to the clinical study of medicine for 7 years. Through the work, I have experienced using medical web applications such as electric medical records and electric case reports. However, I felt inconvenienced using these web applications because they are too complex, and I worried about causing inefficiency and mistakes in busy medical settings due to the design. Thus, I decided to be a web designer and create simple and straightforward applications.

In a previous career, I was in charge of creating documents which make medical staff understand the procedures of clinical studies easily and improve performance and accuracy. I had deep communication and research with the medical staff with a thorough investigation of which information they needed, which was the appropriate shape, and where it should be located to create the material. With this experience, I realized that communication and research are essential in designing tools to improve productivity, and it does not have to be electronic devices.

These experiences are my based beliefs as a designer.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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